
Reducing carbon emissions from buildings is one of the critical challenges facing the UK today. 为什么?

它很简单. 达到净零排放, we must remove the fossil fuels we’ve used for centuries, 比如石油和天然气, from the heating and cooling systems in our buildings.

It’s time to consider switching gas boilers for heat pumps.



Heat pumps significantly reduce your carbon emissions by switching the heat source from gas to electricity.

Electric heat pumps are around four to five times more efficient than gas boilers and have lower maintenance requirements. And, unlike gas boilers, their 能源 source is carbon free.

If your building has boilers and chillers nearing end-of-life, replacing them with a heat pump system is the best solution.

关闭 up fan cage white mini-split condensers


All new assets require investment regardless of the 科技nology, but there are other costs to consider around a degasification project.

These may include modifications to the way heat is distributed around the building via duct and pipe work. Accommodating the increase in electrification may also need an expansion of your electrical capacity and upgraded electrical connections.

对于热量,大小很重要. An accurate assessment of heat load requirements, which considers other 能源 efficiency measures, 是至关重要的一步. Taking this ‘whole building’ approach could reduce the capital cost enough to justify the investment case.

Extreme close-up of metallic heat exchanger rod


Mitie can help you transition to renewable heat, by designing the application of innovative 科技nologies, 确保资金和管理风险.

We offer an estate development service to create a low carbon, asset replacement strategy for your building or estate portfolio.

Accompanied by a performance assured delivery plan, we design heat decarbonisation projects to suit the demands of your building portfolio.

White air conditioner units on a roof of industrial building with blue sky and clouds in the background


We are helping our customers transform and future-proof their 地产, 通过传递网络热量和能量, 并网和离网. 我们的做法是:

  • Assessing the natural resources that support renewable heat and accommodating the rise in electrification.
  • Determining the right mix of 科技nology and the best solution for replacing assets.
  • Blending renewable 科技nologies like solar PV, 商用热泵, to enable self-sufficiency and 能源 security.
关闭 up of wire mesh background of an air conditioner unit


Different heat pump 科技nologies can be specified depending on available resources. Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) are the most widely adopted.

A closed pipework loop of water/antifreeze solution is buried in the ground, either horizontally in trenches (coiled or straight lengths) or vertically via boreholes.

Heat is extracted from ambient air drawn across the external heat exchanger. Source temperature is dependent on prevailing ambient conditions and varies through the year depending on geographic area (typical average is 10°C).


1.  关闭d Loop: a closed pipework loop of water/antifreeze solution is sunk into a river, 湖, 或者大海.

2.  Open Loop: where water is extracted from a ground aquifer or river and passed through the heat pump (often with a sacrificial heat exchanger).


Uses heat from an aquifer and includes heat / coolth storage to allow multiple and diverse users to take heat and coolth from the network.


从排气中回收热量, before the air is discharged to the atmosphere, 提供暖气及/或热水.

Buildings must be well insulated and sealed from infiltration or have access to a source of exhaust air (e.g. computer/server rooms or inverters/transformers).


Commercial heat pumps are often eligible for funding support from government programmes, 包括IETF(私营机构), PSDS (public sector) and the Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF).


Starting with desktop reviews of data and site usage, we assess the feasibility and constraints of the decarbonisation project. 这是我们需要开始的东西:

  • 网站访问
  • 锅炉、DHW & 热辐射器细节
  • 12个月HH气体或热量数据
  • 12个月HH电气数据
  • 电气容量详细信息
  • 现场平面图和基本施工细节
  • 楼宇占用数据
澳博官方网站 to accelerate your decarbonisation project



如果你想了解更多信息, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, 那你来对地方了.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

If you have a supplier enquiry, please visit our dedicated portal on www.mitiesuppliers.com